James & Kelly will be coming to you LIVE @ 5pm this coming Sunday afternoon for a Q&A session regarding all of our new January classes, plus all of the other services that Dizzyfeet currently offers.
This interactive session will be available via 3 different streams:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dizzyfeetdancing YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/dizzyfeettv Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dizzyfeetdancing
For Facebook & Instagram you will need an account to watch, but with YouTube, you'll just need the link above. You can even watch us on your smart TV!
Get in touch via the messaging options within each social media channel or you can direct message us via our telephone number with a traditional text, on WhatsApp or on Telegram.
07818 403290
This live session will be suitable for those of you that have not yet danced with us before and even those that are looking to move up to the next level! Of course we'll be talking about the other services that we offer too, so even if you're already part of Dizzyfeet there might be something you'd like to know more about.
As well as dance classes we also do: Private Lessons, Wedding Choreography, Corporate Team Building, Social Dances, Dance Holidays, Examinations & Competitions.
If you've got friends or family that might like to come dancing, this is their opportunity to find out exactly what to expect and prepare them for a January start! So share this far and wide and let others experience the fun and joy that is a Dizzyfeet Dancing class!
